An AGB Films production for Channel Five / ITV Global
Narrated: Valerie Edmund
Andrew Graham-Brown spent 4 months with a palm-sized camera, recording the life of a street gang who live on a huge rubbish dump in the thick of Lagos. His camera led him down a maze of alleys where no white man has been before. The result is an extraordinary access documentary that delves into the underbelly of modern Nigeria, a country known for its corruption and greed, but less appreciated for its beauty and rich culture.
The Hyena Men are an elusive street travelling circus. Amongst polluted human chaos and abject poverty, they perform with an intoxicating, terrifying blend of hyenas in chains, baboons in Chelsea football strips, and with pythons hanging from their mouths. They practise black magic and some say The Hyena Men are only half human.
WILDSCREEN AWARD Nomination: Best People and Animals
Filmed / Directed / Produced: Andrew Graham-Brown
Fixer and Translator: Terkura Jenkins Dagba
Film Editor: Ian Marsh